Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 35 - Petsokey, Michigan to home, sweet, home, for some.

Joe, Ron, David, Fred and Mike at the Perry Hotel, the last group photo for the Alaskan adventure.
Soon they would be splitting up and heading for their home states.

Fred says, "Now that we've ditched those two, this is how it's gonna be."  Just kidding.

Mike, Fred and Joe split off from the group and headed east after leaving Michigan.

David and Ron kept heading south.

David, right behind Ron.

Ron knew he was getting close to home when he started seeing the Soy Bean and Corn fields.

The first one home!  Fred arrived home around 3:45 p.m., and was reunited with Pat.
Fred rode a total of 470 miles from Petoskey, Michigan to his home in northern Ohio.
Fred said, "It was an awesome trip to the top of the world.  God is good!"

Arriving home shortly after 6:00 p.m., Ron rode a total of 525 miles.
David continued on to Louisville, Kentucky.
From Petoskey, Michigan to Louisville, Kentucky he traveled 595 miles.
He plans on getting home to Tennessee tomorrow.

Ron pulled that filthy motorcycle right into the garage.

Are there any offers to help him clean this thing up?
 How many times will this have to be washed to restore it to original condition?

Jack helped carry his Pa's gear from the garage to the house.

Ashley brought Natalie and Ben over to welcome Pa home.


After riding 580 miles, Mike arrived home in western New York. He was greeted by Pam and Rosie.  

         Joe followed Mike home as well and will spend the night before heading on to New Hampshire.
           Joe has also traveled a total of 580 miles from Petoskey, Michigan to Bemus Point, New York.
                                                         He'll add more miles tomorrow.